Urdu Genie = Urdu Gini = Urdu Jini
اسلامی گیم,اردو کھیل, اردو گیم, بچوں اور بڑوں کیلیے, اردو جینی, پھانسی گھر
Urdu , Arabic and English version of HANGMAN game
New improved version of Online Urdu (and Islamic) game that is responsive and played on Small screens such as Mobile , Tablet and Large screens such as Smart TV (Television).
In this game the player has to guess the Urdu/Islamic (Arabic) word by clicking on Albhabets shown on web page (screen).
Learn and Play Game !

Urdu Online Game Phansi Ghar version 2 - اردو کھیل پھانسی گھر (latest version)

Android based PhansiGhar Urdu Game available for download on your mobile phones.
Arabic Hangman Game
English HangMan Game
Urdu Text To Speech and Speech Recognition Software (Historical)
Urdu Books of Poems (Literature)
Urdu Software Downloadable Freeware for end-users
Urdu Nigar (Urdu Editor)
Urdu Text Box
Type Urdu Online using Phonetic Keyboard (Used by Urdu Nigar Rray Version and Inpage)
Urdu Source Code (Used in Urdu WordProcessor)
Help on Urdu Nigar (Both Unicode[old] and Rray[new] version)
Software Demo of web apps developed by نسیم امجد
About the software/web developer (Naseem Amjad)
Pakistani Web Hosting Company (AJSOFT)
Email: Urdujini@gmail.com
Follow UrduJini@twitter for Urdu Business Game (Learn business by playing game instead of making losses on actual business) also available in English.